
The Future of KYC Compliance Podcast, Episode 22

Future of Compliance

In this episode of the Future of KYC Compliance, Ian is joined by Nelson Yiannakou, Regional Money Laundering Reporting Officer ( APAC ) at Revolut, as he shares his views on the current state of AML obligations and compliance in Australia.

We touch on some of the bigger financial crime monitoring challenges faced by regulators today, and Nelson gives us a fresh perspective on the importance of having a sound AML environment and a robust financial crime prevention system.

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • Nelson’s three-decade long career in financial risk management and financial crime prevention
  • A brief intro to Revolut and the services it offers
  • Financial crime challenges Revolut has faced globally
  • Nelson’s view on the state of AML obligations and compliance in Australia today
  • The importance of investing in financial crime prevention capabilities and technologies
  • Why financial crime syndicates always seem to be one step ahead of regulators
  • Specific challenges faced by digital-only fintech companies
  • What excites Nelson most with his work in financial crime risk management
  • Nelson’s advice for KYC and AML professionals to ensure their success in the field.

Future of Compliance
November 22, 2022

In this episode of the Future of KYC Compliance, Ian is joined by Nelson Yiannakou, Regional Money Laundering Reporting Officer ( APAC ) at Revolut, as he shares his views on the current state of AML obligations and compliance in Australia.

We touch on some of the bigger financial crime monitoring challenges faced by regulators today, and Nelson gives us a fresh perspective on the importance of having a sound AML environment and a robust financial crime prevention system.

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • Nelson’s three-decade long career in financial risk management and financial crime prevention
  • A brief intro to Revolut and the services it offers
  • Financial crime challenges Revolut has faced globally
  • Nelson’s view on the state of AML obligations and compliance in Australia today
  • The importance of investing in financial crime prevention capabilities and technologies
  • Why financial crime syndicates always seem to be one step ahead of regulators
  • Specific challenges faced by digital-only fintech companies
  • What excites Nelson most with his work in financial crime risk management
  • Nelson’s advice for KYC and AML professionals to ensure their success in the field.

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