Enhance your product offering and win more business with Kyckr​.

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Solution Providers

Enhance your proposition and win bigger contracts by integrating our global company intelligence into your SaaS platform. ​

Data Vendors

Expand your geographic footprint, cleanse your existing data and reduce time spent on manual remediation.


Provide a first-class customer experience by integrating Kyckr’s solutions into your digital transformation projects.
Business man and woman reviewing a document

Expand your company’s global footprint by providing access to corporate data across 100 countries.

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Partners who trust us

Harness the power of global registry data in your product with one simple integration.

Developer working with KYCKR's API

Our automated solutions help businesses to focus on what really matters - elevating levels of service and driving towards growth, whilst always remaining compliant and secure.

Integrate our network of over 300 corporate registries and benefit from real-time, normalised data in your product or internal system, without the need for complex data-sourcing and maintenance.

Build your Customer Due Diligence and KYC processes on a robust foundation with Kyckr.

Make data work smarter, not harder.

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