Leverage the world's most current and accurate company information.

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Corporate Registries
Legal Entities

Drive efficiency in your compliance process with real-time, legally authoritative company data at your fingertips.

All company information provided by Kyckr is sourced directly from corporate registries, enriched and standardised in real-time at the point of request. Unlike third-party, static data providers, the data we provide is always the most current and legally authoritative view of a company. The information is time and date stamped with the name and logo of the relevant corporate registry, giving you audit-friendly data that satisfies relevant AML regulatory obligations.

Structured Company Profiles

For over 150 corporate registries on Kyckr’s network, we provide company profile data that is normalised into a simple, yet powerful, proprietary data structure in real-time.

Company Profiles

We offer both structured profiles and original registry documents and filings, all available via a single source.

Enhanced Profile

Includes basic registry information and associated individuals (Directors, Shareholders, UBOs), providing the data you need to perform fast, compliant KYB checks.
  • Company Name
  • Registration Information
  • Registered Address
  • Legal Form
  • Legal Status
  • Company Activity
  • Company Officials
  • Shareholders and Share Capital Structure
  • Ultimate Beneficial Owners
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Lite Profile

Basic registration information allowing you to quickly verify entities, ensuring counter-parties pass a first-line check.
  • Company Name
  • Registration Information
  • Registered Address
  • Legal Form
  • Legal Status
  • Company Activity
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Registry documents

In addition, you can access over 1000 types of categorised registry documents. These include:

Registry Extracts
Formation Documentation
Financial Statements
Beneficial Ownership Statements

The vast majority of these documents are delivered in just 15 minutes or less by our team of skilled registry specialists. With Kyckr searching endless web pages for information and multiple payment accounts are the things of the past.

Entry Verification

Streamline Your
Onboarding Process

Reduce customer friction and unnecessary delays between initial engagement and revenue attainment by making informed decisions based on current corporate data.

Data Cleanse

Meet Your Regulatory Obligations

Satisfy complex international regulatory obligations with accurate, up-to-date company information, time and date stamped at the time of retrieval.


Operational Cost

Reduce time and money spent searching for company information online. Get to the right information, quicker and retrieve both structured information and registry filings with ease.

why Primary source company information?

The benefits of making decisions with the help of primary source company intelligence.

Build your Customer Due Diligence and KYC processes on a robust foundation with Kyckr.

Make data work smarter, not harder.

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