
The Future of KYC Compliance Podcast, Episode 2

Future of Compliance

Graham has worked in financial services for the past twenty years, latterly providing subject matter expertise to a number of high profile banks in relation to their financial crime control frameworks.

He also works closely with a large number of investigative journalists helping them to identify and write about organised crime and corruption including both the FT and Berlingske (Danish newspaper) on the Danske Bank scandal and the ICIJ on the FinCEN Files.
Graham regularly speaks at in-house and public events to raise awareness of the close links between financial crime and the organised criminal gangs and corrupt individuals who are responsible for so much of the dirty money entering the financial system. He also works with a number of NGOs (Global Witness, Corruption Watch, Transparency International) to help advocate for changes in policy at both a national and international level.

Join our CEO, Ian Henderson who finds out from Graham:

  • What he thinks of the state of money laundering today
  • How he has seen the way criminals launder money evolve over the past 5-10 years
  • What methods of money laundering he has seen a rise in the past years
  • What he thinks UK banks are doing at preventing money laundering
  • How he would summarise what the future of money laundering prevention will look like in the next 3-5 years
  • What are three pieces of advice he has for professionals working at banks to prevent money laundering.

Future of Compliance
June 4, 2021

Graham has worked in financial services for the past twenty years, latterly providing subject matter expertise to a number of high profile banks in relation to their financial crime control frameworks.

He also works closely with a large number of investigative journalists helping them to identify and write about organised crime and corruption including both the FT and Berlingske (Danish newspaper) on the Danske Bank scandal and the ICIJ on the FinCEN Files.
Graham regularly speaks at in-house and public events to raise awareness of the close links between financial crime and the organised criminal gangs and corrupt individuals who are responsible for so much of the dirty money entering the financial system. He also works with a number of NGOs (Global Witness, Corruption Watch, Transparency International) to help advocate for changes in policy at both a national and international level.

Join our CEO, Ian Henderson who finds out from Graham:

  • What he thinks of the state of money laundering today
  • How he has seen the way criminals launder money evolve over the past 5-10 years
  • What methods of money laundering he has seen a rise in the past years
  • What he thinks UK banks are doing at preventing money laundering
  • How he would summarise what the future of money laundering prevention will look like in the next 3-5 years
  • What are three pieces of advice he has for professionals working at banks to prevent money laundering.

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