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Meet the Kyckr Team — Lance Fernando, Business Development Executive


As we're heads down building the future of KYC compliance, we wanted to take a moment to introduce you to the people who are hard at work turning the Kyckr vision into a reality.

For the next interview of our Meet the Team Series, please meet Lance Fernando, Business Development Executive.

Meet the Kyckr Team — Lance Fernando, Business Development Executive

What do you do at Kyckr? 

I am Business Development Executive at Kyckr.

What did you want to grow up to be when you were a kid?  

A basketball player.

What's the most exciting part of your day to day work? 

Seeing my prospects develop to real opportunities.

What do you feel makes Kyckr different from other companies you’ve worked at? 

It is still in a ‘start up phase’, so everyone has a direct impact to the success of the company.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work? 

Socialising, cooking, going to the gym.

Who inspires you the most? Why?  

Jurgen Klopp, because of the way he has galvanised Liverpool in the last few years. No one else has achieved this / been able to in my lifetime.

What’s your favourite movie of all time?  

The Dark Knight.

If you could visit any city in the world, where would it be? Why? 

New York, because it’s New York.

If you could have lunch with any person, who would it be? Why? 

Jennifer Lopez, because she’s 10/10 and she could buy me an expensive lunch :D

February 27, 2021

As we're heads down building the future of KYC compliance, we wanted to take a moment to introduce you to the people who are hard at work turning the Kyckr vision into a reality.

For the next interview of our Meet the Team Series, please meet Lance Fernando, Business Development Executive.

Meet the Kyckr Team — Lance Fernando, Business Development Executive

What do you do at Kyckr? 

I am Business Development Executive at Kyckr.

What did you want to grow up to be when you were a kid?  

A basketball player.

What's the most exciting part of your day to day work? 

Seeing my prospects develop to real opportunities.

What do you feel makes Kyckr different from other companies you’ve worked at? 

It is still in a ‘start up phase’, so everyone has a direct impact to the success of the company.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work? 

Socialising, cooking, going to the gym.

Who inspires you the most? Why?  

Jurgen Klopp, because of the way he has galvanised Liverpool in the last few years. No one else has achieved this / been able to in my lifetime.

What’s your favourite movie of all time?  

The Dark Knight.

If you could visit any city in the world, where would it be? Why? 

New York, because it’s New York.

If you could have lunch with any person, who would it be? Why? 

Jennifer Lopez, because she’s 10/10 and she could buy me an expensive lunch :D

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