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Meet the Kyckr Team — Jamie Farrell, Information Administration Assistant


As we're heads down building the future of KYC compliance, we wanted to take a moment to introduce you to the people who are hard at work turning the Kyckr vision into a reality.

For the next interview of our Meet the Team Series, please meet Jamie Farrell, Information Administration Assistant.

Jamie Farrell, Information Administration Assistant

What do you do at Kyckr?

I work within a team called “the information team”. Our job is to answer customer queries and fulfil orders that come in throughout the day.

What did you want to grow up to be when you were a kid?

When I was a child, I wanted to be all sorts of things! Mostly I wanted to fly, so naturally I wanted to be an airline pilot. I wanted to fly a rescue helicopter (I would still love to learn how to fly a helicopter) and I really really wanted to fly to the moon!

What's the most exciting part of your day to day work?

The most exciting part of my day is catching up with my team. I work with a lovely bunch of people and I really love to see how they are getting along in life.

What do you feel makes Kyckr different from other companies you’ve worked at?

Our comradery and creativity. We have a team building exercise such as 2 truths one lie, where you tell 2 things that are true about yourself and one thing that is not. Your team then has to guess which ones are true and which one is the lie. These kinds of things make us all a close-knit team. They are components that (for me) make Kyckr a different place to work than other places that I have worked at before.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

I have a lot of things that I love to do when I am not at work. I love woodworking and I love to cook. I also really love to be a tourist in my own home. I love to explore parts of Ireland, because I think that we live in a country steeped in culture, music and utter beauty.

Who inspires you the most?

Michael Schumacher inspires me most. His natural ability (which was seemingly endless) was hugely magnified by his ability to gather a team around him and to inspire them to work at the peak of their ability. He would learn the names of all of the engineers and mechanics that worked in his team and he would go out of his way to make sure that they all felt valued.

Watching Michael and Mika Hakkinen zoom around tracks like Suzuka and Spa at speeds which seemed to break the laws of physics, backed by the ICONIC voice of Murray Walker was breathtaking! We will miss you Murray RIP.

What’s your favourite movie of all time? 

If I told you what my favorite movie is today, it will have changed by tomorrow! I love to watch movies that are based on true world events. Some of my all-time favorites have to be “Apollo 13”, “Lone Survivor” and “Armstrong”. 

If you could visit any city in the world, where would it be? Why?

If I were to tell you which city in the world that I would like to visit today that would also probably be different tomorrow. But right now, it would probably be Huston in Texas, USA. That way I could see one of the Saturn V rockets that was scheduled to go to the moon in the early 1970’s at Johnson Space Center.

If you could have lunch with any person, who would it be? Why?

It would be very, very hard to pick one person to have lunch with. I suppose, if I were to pick one person, it would probably be Jim Lovell. I would ask him about being in the first crew to orbit the moon and I would definitely also ask him about NASA’s finest hour – their successful failure – Apollo 13.

April 14, 2021

As we're heads down building the future of KYC compliance, we wanted to take a moment to introduce you to the people who are hard at work turning the Kyckr vision into a reality.

For the next interview of our Meet the Team Series, please meet Jamie Farrell, Information Administration Assistant.

Jamie Farrell, Information Administration Assistant

What do you do at Kyckr?

I work within a team called “the information team”. Our job is to answer customer queries and fulfil orders that come in throughout the day.

What did you want to grow up to be when you were a kid?

When I was a child, I wanted to be all sorts of things! Mostly I wanted to fly, so naturally I wanted to be an airline pilot. I wanted to fly a rescue helicopter (I would still love to learn how to fly a helicopter) and I really really wanted to fly to the moon!

What's the most exciting part of your day to day work?

The most exciting part of my day is catching up with my team. I work with a lovely bunch of people and I really love to see how they are getting along in life.

What do you feel makes Kyckr different from other companies you’ve worked at?

Our comradery and creativity. We have a team building exercise such as 2 truths one lie, where you tell 2 things that are true about yourself and one thing that is not. Your team then has to guess which ones are true and which one is the lie. These kinds of things make us all a close-knit team. They are components that (for me) make Kyckr a different place to work than other places that I have worked at before.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

I have a lot of things that I love to do when I am not at work. I love woodworking and I love to cook. I also really love to be a tourist in my own home. I love to explore parts of Ireland, because I think that we live in a country steeped in culture, music and utter beauty.

Who inspires you the most?

Michael Schumacher inspires me most. His natural ability (which was seemingly endless) was hugely magnified by his ability to gather a team around him and to inspire them to work at the peak of their ability. He would learn the names of all of the engineers and mechanics that worked in his team and he would go out of his way to make sure that they all felt valued.

Watching Michael and Mika Hakkinen zoom around tracks like Suzuka and Spa at speeds which seemed to break the laws of physics, backed by the ICONIC voice of Murray Walker was breathtaking! We will miss you Murray RIP.

What’s your favourite movie of all time? 

If I told you what my favorite movie is today, it will have changed by tomorrow! I love to watch movies that are based on true world events. Some of my all-time favorites have to be “Apollo 13”, “Lone Survivor” and “Armstrong”. 

If you could visit any city in the world, where would it be? Why?

If I were to tell you which city in the world that I would like to visit today that would also probably be different tomorrow. But right now, it would probably be Huston in Texas, USA. That way I could see one of the Saturn V rockets that was scheduled to go to the moon in the early 1970’s at Johnson Space Center.

If you could have lunch with any person, who would it be? Why?

It would be very, very hard to pick one person to have lunch with. I suppose, if I were to pick one person, it would probably be Jim Lovell. I would ask him about being in the first crew to orbit the moon and I would definitely also ask him about NASA’s finest hour – their successful failure – Apollo 13.

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