This article is part of Kyckr’s new Partner Spotlight Series, which features interviews with our partners to learn more about who they are, their mission and why they chose to partner with Kyckr.
The following is an interview we recently had with Richard Johnson, Analyst, ChartaPorta.
What does your company do?
ChartaPorta is a boutique consulting firm, which specialises in finding new and innovative technology solutions to enable our clients to either enhance their internal efficiency or enhance their own client offering.
What’s the goal of your organisation and how do you help your clients?
Our goal is to listen to our clients' need and find the best solution in the market to meet it. We solve this by being at the forefront of technology innovation across multiple markets.
What is unique about your company?
Our large contact base gives us access to experts in most fields, and our size allows us to remain agile and efficient, bringing those experts onboard only when we need them.
Why have you partnered with Kyckr?
Kyckr is a leading technology firm in the KYB space, pushing the boundaries for the information, which is available from Company Registers around the world.
What value does Kyckr bring to your business?
Kyckr allows us to confidently introduce their solution to any of our clients, whilst knowing we are showing off the best in class.
Where do you see partnerships going in the future?
We believe in 'Mutual Active Support', and 'the whole is greater than the sum of its parts'. As such we think partnerships should become closer with more sharing of ideas at the brainstorming stage, to develop higher grade solutions for the underlying client.
Interested in learning more about ChartaPorta? Visit their website to find out more: