As we're heads down building the future of KYC compliance, we wanted to take a moment to introduce you to the people who are hard at work turning the Kyckr vision into a reality.
For the next interview of our Meet the Team Series, please meet Kyckr's Head of Partnerships, Myles Mclaren.

What do you do at Kyckr?
I am the Head of Partnerships at Kyckr and to put simply the role involves creating relationships with other companies to help grow our own revenue.
What did you want to grow up to be when you were a kid?
I wanted to be a doctor.
What's the most exciting part of your day to day work?
Being able to get a great understanding of how other businesses work and working out how our product fits into that.
What do you feel makes Kyckr different from other companies you’ve worked at?
Everyone is so excited about where Kyckr is going. This enthusiasm about the company is great and really infectious.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
I love working out and have played in a football team for the last 8 years. I used to enjoy watching football but being an Arsenal fan makes that tough.
Who inspires you the most? Why?
I would say my son. Just having him push me to work harder and to be a better person.
What’s your favourite movie of all time?
Tough question. But I’ll go with the Matrix.
If you could visit any city in the world, where would it be? Why?
Accra, Ghana is the one country that I have always wanted to go to but have not had a chance. I want to visit because of how friendly the culture is and how great the food is. Hopefully I’ll get to go in the next 18 months.
If you could have lunch with any person, who would it be? Why?
Lebron James. I am a massive fan of his from a sports perspective but also a massive fan of what he does off the court.