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Meet the Kyckr Team — Laura O'Mahony, Business Analyst


As we're heads down building the future of KYC compliance, we wanted to take a moment to introduce you to the people who are hard at work turning the Kyckr vision into a reality.

For the next interview of our Meet the Team Series, please meet Kyckr's Business Analyst, Laura O'Mahony.

Meet the Kyckr Team — Laura O'Mahony, Business Analyst

What do you do at Kyckr?

I am a business analyst at Kyckr, working mainly on customer focused projects and internal system enhancements.

What did you want to grow up to be when you were a kid?

I read too many Patricia Cornwall books (the main character investigates murders) as an 11/12 year old and really wanted to be pathologist! When that novelty wore off, I really wanted to be a photographer. I have a diploma in Media Production and Photography. I didn’t pursue a career in that in the end as I really enjoy photography and wanted to continue it as a hobby, so I went back to night college and did my degree in Systems Analysis and Design and here I am at Kyckr! (well, 3 jobs and 10 years later)

What's the most exciting part of your day to day work?

I really enjoy troubleshooting problems and I love the satisfaction when you find a solution, whether that be a customer business solution or a technical problem that arose during the day.

What do you feel makes Kyckr different from other companies you’ve worked at?

At Kyckr everyone’s opinion is valid and ideas big or small are taken on board. It gives everyone a sense of empowerment and you feel valued.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

Pre-Covid going for dinner and drinks with my friends and family. But right now it is spending valuable time with my husband and daughter. Trips to the park or the beach (when we are not restricted to 5 km radius!). I also enjoy reading. I read at least a book a week. And one of the biggest things I miss right now is going to see live music.

Who inspires you the most? Why?

My two grandmothers who both lived until they were in the 90's! If I can be as healthy and as happy as they were until I am at least 90 then I will have done well in my life.

What’s your favourite movie of all time? 

This is a hard question because I have so many, but every year when we put up our Christmas tree, we watch t"A Christmas Story". It’s just a lovely, funny and heart warming movie. Outside that, it would be the Breakfast Club!

If you could visit any city in the world, where would it be? Why?

I have visited some of the big cities like New York, London, Madrid, the hustle & bustle is great and the atmosphere is amazing but I would love to travel around New Zealand in a campervan, the scenery of the country looks amazing. 

If you could have lunch with any person, who would it be? Why?

I know I have mentioned them before, but it would have to be my two grandmothers. I would love to introduce them to their great-granddaughter. 

January 22, 2021

As we're heads down building the future of KYC compliance, we wanted to take a moment to introduce you to the people who are hard at work turning the Kyckr vision into a reality.

For the next interview of our Meet the Team Series, please meet Kyckr's Business Analyst, Laura O'Mahony.

Meet the Kyckr Team — Laura O'Mahony, Business Analyst

What do you do at Kyckr?

I am a business analyst at Kyckr, working mainly on customer focused projects and internal system enhancements.

What did you want to grow up to be when you were a kid?

I read too many Patricia Cornwall books (the main character investigates murders) as an 11/12 year old and really wanted to be pathologist! When that novelty wore off, I really wanted to be a photographer. I have a diploma in Media Production and Photography. I didn’t pursue a career in that in the end as I really enjoy photography and wanted to continue it as a hobby, so I went back to night college and did my degree in Systems Analysis and Design and here I am at Kyckr! (well, 3 jobs and 10 years later)

What's the most exciting part of your day to day work?

I really enjoy troubleshooting problems and I love the satisfaction when you find a solution, whether that be a customer business solution or a technical problem that arose during the day.

What do you feel makes Kyckr different from other companies you’ve worked at?

At Kyckr everyone’s opinion is valid and ideas big or small are taken on board. It gives everyone a sense of empowerment and you feel valued.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

Pre-Covid going for dinner and drinks with my friends and family. But right now it is spending valuable time with my husband and daughter. Trips to the park or the beach (when we are not restricted to 5 km radius!). I also enjoy reading. I read at least a book a week. And one of the biggest things I miss right now is going to see live music.

Who inspires you the most? Why?

My two grandmothers who both lived until they were in the 90's! If I can be as healthy and as happy as they were until I am at least 90 then I will have done well in my life.

What’s your favourite movie of all time? 

This is a hard question because I have so many, but every year when we put up our Christmas tree, we watch t"A Christmas Story". It’s just a lovely, funny and heart warming movie. Outside that, it would be the Breakfast Club!

If you could visit any city in the world, where would it be? Why?

I have visited some of the big cities like New York, London, Madrid, the hustle & bustle is great and the atmosphere is amazing but I would love to travel around New Zealand in a campervan, the scenery of the country looks amazing. 

If you could have lunch with any person, who would it be? Why?

I know I have mentioned them before, but it would have to be my two grandmothers. I would love to introduce them to their great-granddaughter. 

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